As The Uyghur Muslims Suffer In China

5 mins read

The Chinese state is governed by Mao Zedong Ideology with a modification of Karl Marx’s Communism

Mir Shahid

China has detained as many as one million Uyghur in so-called “re-education centres” and forced them to undergo psychological indoctrination programs -like studying communist propaganda and giving thanks to Chinese President Xi Jinping. Chinese authorities have also reportedly used water boarding and other forms of torture on the ethnic minority. The Chinese government, however, claims that the camps are merely vocational and training centres intended to combat extremism, and that they’re teaching detainees useful and valuable skills.
On Tuesday, Le, the foreign minister, made similar arguments. “This protects the human rights of the vast majority, while also saving these people,” he said. “It’s another important contribution of China’s to the global counter terror field.”Xinjiang, where about 10 million Uyghur and a few other Muslim minorities live, is an autonomous region in China’s northwest that borders Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia. It has been under Chinese control since 1949, when the communist People’s Republic of China was established. Uyghur speaks their own language — an Asian Turkic language similar to Uzbek— and most practice a moderate form of Sunni Islam. Some activists, including those who seek independence from China, refer to the region as East Turkestan.
Once situated along the ancient Silk Road trading route, Xinjiang is oil and resource rich. As it developed along with the rest of China, the region attracted more Han Chinese, a migration encouraged by the Chinese government. The Chinese policy of discrimination and terror against own citizens on the lone basis of Religion is horrendous act of state terrorism in the recent era. The Chinese state is governed by Mao Zedong Ideology with a modification of Karl Marx’s Communism.
The state is ruled by one party which is only legitimate party in the eyes of government. Since Communism is centred on concept of social cohesion therefore the freedom of life and liberty isn’t expected on liberal lines. The state in recent times has heavy crackdown on Rights Activists and social Activists on pretext of national security and territorial integrity. The oft repeated reports of UNHRC condemns the grave allegations of Human Rights violation in China who hardly takes note of such condemnation.
To a shrill rhetoric the ordeal passed on to the Uyghur exclusively on basis of Religion is horrific and dirtiest ever political opaqueness of China. But the million dollar question is what prompted China to take such ghastly step? What compelled China to establish the Hitler Era camps? Is Muslim really a terrorist or is Islam proclaimed as religion of terrorism on false grounds? The answers could only be predicted because the oppression can never be justified as is happening in Xingjian.

China is on track to attain Pinnacle of state power among fraternity of countries banked on its economic boom after 1980’s. The Economic heavyweight guided by supreme ideology of Mao is centred on the belief of strict code of regulations for Citizens and whole administrative powers concentrated at Central position.
The provincial officers are mere pawns in the chessboard of Shi Jingping. This regulatory procedure disallows the liberty as sought in the era of liberalism. Those who criticise albeit logically to policies of government is deemed as anti national. Now in this backdrop the Uighurs is not an exception. However to a broader analysis the Right to Life of Uyghur is under onslaught due to multitude of reasons not to talk of Privacy.
The Islamophobia is in full bloom in West. In aftermath of 9/11 the rhetoric of West has changed as if taking birth as a Muslim is crime. The war on terror and the onslaught in Afghanistan where thousands of innocent people list their lives has changed the social cohesion towards Muslims. The isolated events as claimed by so called “Islamic state” brought a revolutionary attitudinal change towards Muslims. Whenever and wherever the involvement of Muslim is witnessed the hue and cry takes mere seconds across globe.

The discrimination in Iraq on baseless belief of Weapons of Mass destruction, Israel Human Rights violation in  Palestine, Kashmir , Syria , Myanmar , Dagestan , Chechnya et Al are soon forgotten. This biased and segregated approach has overturned the whole scenario to other extreme end. In this backdrop China views the community with fear and extremist angle.

The possible causes for Chinese move and the impending need for such a horrible strategy is governed by three pillars.  On the first pillar the Marquee project of B and R (Belt and Road) panned out to revive ancient Silk Road for linkage of European economies to China starts from western tail of Xingjian inhabited by Uyghur. The Chinese government views Uyghur with Islamophobia threat possibly posing to ambitious Silk Road projects. The basis of such a possibility grows from alienation of this discriminated minority due to continuous onslaught of Chinese government.
As is said “the social cohesion and social solidarity is won through piecemeal engineering grounded in consensus and cooperation rather than extreme sense of discrimination. On the second pillar China views the community on the same lines as that of Western world. They take the Muslims as unique community with a mental of sacrifice for the safeguard and security of religion. They intentionally compare incidents involving the Uzbekistan extremist groups with Uyghur thus culminating any possibility of coordination for one cause.

While as the third and most important pillar of such a horrific spate of terror is intensifying due to absence of any strict condemnation in the Muslim world. The neighbouring Pakistan could hardly sacrifice their material interests grounded in much hyped CPEC corridor to issue any Statement and impress upon China not to unveil such abuse over minority. Saudi Arabia is busy in its own occupations. And the cohesion in IOC and Arab League isn’t up to the mark for any possible focus towards Uyghur. All these factors enthuse energy into the notorious Chinese strategy to impose more restrictions and ordeals.
The contemporary era is governed by Human Rights order. The elaborate arrangement of institutional, procedural , legislative, administrative, private and public , global conventions, declarations , United Nations mandate et al have been established for promotion and safeguard of Human Rights irrespective of caste , Creed , colour, religion , gender etc. UNHRC , Amnesty international, European Union etc are but mega institutional framework keeping close eye on Human Rights violation in nook and cranny of Globe. In recent past the grave human rights violations against Muslims occurred in Myanmar and are underway in China. No doubt UN took to reigns and declared Myanmar’s approach as ethnic cleansing and issued condemnation statements in shrill notes.

Why is Aung Sang Suchi’s Government working freely? Can’t it be sued in ICJ? Can’t there be sanctions on Myanmar? If North Korea is deemed as vulgar why not Myanmar? Such incidents become chessboard for big players like China who thereafter take it lightly as a domestic issue. Had there been strict sanctions against Myanmar on Human Rights violation irrespective of religion China would have thought ten times prior to establishment of de education camps.
Although US, European Union, UN, Amnesty international etc have issued statements of condemnation against China but the state who decried the ICJ ruling in one go isn’t expected to come to terms. The Chinese government need to awake from slumber with knowledge that “ideas can’t be jailed “. The horrific practice need to be stopped immediately and the Uyghur be provided full civil and political Rights like ordinary Citizens lest it should fail to save itself from wrath of extremism.

These and other such incidents prepare ground for extremism. Islam is influential religion with a mandate of wabil Mumeneena Ikhwana (Muslims are brothers among themselves). It’s yet to take the route of religion vs religion then even Pakistan wouldn’t be of much help for China reaching to brink of disaster.
Writer Shahid Majeed Mir hails from Kupwara and can be reached at

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