SRINAGAR: Director Agriculture Kashmir, Muhammad Iqbal Chowdhary today convened a meeting here to review implementation of flagship programmes under agriculture sector.
The Director on the occasion reviewed submission of DPRs on Micro Food Processing Enterprise Scheme (FME), Self Help Groups, progress on Farm Produce Organizations (FPOs), status of DBT in respect of CSS/Capex, Machinery distributed during 2020-21.
Besides he also reviewed progress under soil health card scheme, status of registration of new FPOs viz submission of DPRs, preparation of Kharief 2020-21 (Seed requirements of all crops), status of operationalization of web portal for online registration process for issuance of new/ renewal of pesticides and fertilizer license, quality analysis of insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers.
Director Agriculture impressed upon the officers to ensure that the budgetary allocations to their respective districts under different schemes and programs are fully utilized adding that the funds under different programs are for farmer’s welfare and it should reach to the farmers without delay.
Chowdhary stressed upon the officers to adhere strictly to the guidelines of different schemes and programs and ensure that undue liabilities are not created.
He said the Department should make all effort to ensure the availability of market for the farmers produce. He directed Chief Agriculture Officers/ District Agriculture Officers to pay periodic visits to the concerned areas to personally monitor the developmental pace.
He highlighted the need for a multi-dimensional marketing strategy concept so that the produce of the farmer could be marketed in a very effective manner. He said the Department is planning a pan Kashmir drive to organize special training programs for educated youth to adopt global skill in agriculture sector.
During the meeting a detailed power point presentation regarding procurement on GeM portal was given to the officers to adhere guidelines issued by Government for achieving accountable and transparent results.
Joint Director Agriculture (Extension) Mohammad Muzaffar Hurra, Joint Director Inputs/Marketing/PHM Amir U Din Andrabi, Joint Director Agriculture Engineering M. Ilyas Khateeb, Joint Director Farms, Spices & Medicinal Plants Kounsar Parveen, Joint Director Seeds, Pesticides and Fertilizers Mohammad Iqbal Khan besides all Chief Agriculture Officers and other concerned officer of the Department attended the meeting.