Making Education Priority

1 min read
From last two years the students have not been to schools, first due to the restrictions and curfew imposed by government after the revocation of Article 370 and then due to Covid 19. The schools remained shut and the students were sitting idle.

Though some schools to compensate the losses of students started online classes but the online mode of education can never replace the system of education which is being provided during regular schooling. The students in Kashmir have been now out from their schools most of the times in last five years due to one or the other reason which is alarming.

The children have been missing the proper school environment. Though the government conducted examinations of Board of School Education (BoSE) still the parents fear the closure of schools will have lasting impact on the psyche of the students who will be facing lot of difficulties once the schools open. This is not only in Kashmir that schools remain shut however due to pandemic, the education institutions were closed across the globe.

Though the countries with less number of cases have reopened again which is a good sign. With the vaccines round the corner there is hope that within four to six months the situation would be back to normalcy which is a good omen. The Kashmir can also benefit from the vaccination in the coming months.

At the same time the government should keep close eye on the private schools especially the big schools who have been using all sort of tactics to get huge capitation fee aswell as tution fee from the parents in one go.

The school administration of many schools have not released the results of the students who could clear their dues, some are forcing parents to give undertaking that they will clear school fee in a given stipulated period, these tactics are against ethics and rules set by the government during pandemic, however administration is too lenient when it comes to take action against these so called big schools.

Its true the schools run on the tution fee however the big schools are run on the pattern of big business establishments where many students can be given concessions but majority of these schools try to grab more and more money from the parents.

At the same time government should give one time relief to private schools which are running at losses, especially due to closure. Our efforts should be make the lives of young students easy so they would focus more on the education as they are our future.

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