Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah on Thursday welcomed the decision of the government to allow eighth day Muharram procession to pass through traditional routes in Srinagar, but simultaneously demanded release of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq from house detention.
He said that allowing 8th day Muharram procession from traditional routes of Srinagar after over three decades is a “welcome step”, but the Lieutenant Governor led government administration needs to take a few more steps in the right direction to restore actual normalcy in Jammu and Kashmir.
“It is a good thing that permission was given after so many years on Muharram procession on 8th day and we all welcome. We hope this is not a decision on isolation,” the NC Vice President told reporters in Srinagar.
Omar said it has been found that if it suits the government they find it very easy to clamp down on
religious freedom.
“There are numerous examples there in front of you how many Friday’s are there when permission was not given in Jamia Masjid for Fridays prayers…that must stop”.
He said the authorities should release Mirwaiz Umar Farooq from house detention to allow him to fulfill the religious duties.
Omar said BJP’s political future is linked to how best they can divide voters in Jammu and Kashmir.