Jammu and Kashmir Police’s State Investigation Agency (SIA) has announced a reward of Rs 10 lakhs for those providing information leading to the arrest of the terrorists involved in the killing of senior advocate Babar Qadri in 2020.
The lawyer, Babar Qadri, who was a regular participant in TV news debates was shot dead on September 24, 2020 by two gunmen who came as clients to his Srinagar house. A case was later registered in Police Station Lal Bazar in Srinagar.
The case was last month handed over to SIA.
The SIA has now issued a public notice announcing a reward for those who help the investigators in identifying the killers .
“A cash reward of Rs 10,00,000 (Rupees Ten lakhs) is announced for those providing information leading to the arrest of the persons involved in the killing of Senior Advocate of J&K High Court Late Babar Qadri S/O Sh. Mohd Yasin Qadri R/O Zahidpora, Hawal, Srinagar who was killed by terrorists on 24.09.2020 at his residence,” the notice issued by Chief SIA . “The identity of the informer shall be kept highly confidential.”
The SIA has said those having any information can contact them.
In August 2021, when security forces shot dead the chief commander of The Resistance Front (TRF), a shadow front of Lashkar-e-Taiba, Abbas Sheikh, and his deputy Saqib Manzoor, the Police underlined that Saqib was also involved in Qadri’s murder.
Last year in August, Police had also conducted searches at the residence and office of three lawyers in connection with the murder of Babar Qadri.