20 days on, PDD fails to repair damaged transformer in Hajin

1 min read

The Power Development Department (PDD) has miserably failed to repair a damaged transformer of Parray-Mohalla in Hajin village for the last 20 days.

The residents told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that the transformer in their area developed a technical snag almost 20 days ago but the authorities have failed to repair it since then, causing hardships to the people.

“It is disappointing to see the Power Development Department’s incompetence in handling the situation. We pay our electricity bills regularly, and in return, we expect uninterrupted power supply. The authorities need to prioritize the well-being of the residents and expedite the repair process,” said Naseer Ahmed of Hajin.

People appealed to the district administration as well as the officials in the PDD department to look into the matter at the earliest

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