Bouquets For PM @25 lakh, Allege Congress

1 min read

Srinagar: Alleging that the state government spent 25 lakh rupees for presenting bouquets to the Prime Minister in Shere-Kashmir stadium Srinagar, state congress chief Ghulam Ahmed Mir Saturday said the crowd that was present in the stadium including SPO’s, PSO’s, Police constables and casual labors.

“The PM’s Srinagar rally was like a Drama where all men and preparations were fake and phony. The bouquets presented to the PM and his guests were bought by the government after spending 25 lakh rupees from the state exchequer” G A Mir told KNS over phone.

He claimed that in order to appeal the Prime Minister Narendra Modi the PDP government had orders a number of Police constables, SPO’s, Casual labors to attend the rally. “Some of the PSO’s of different politicians were asked by the government to remain present in the rally” Mir alleged. (KNS)

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