Father And Son
Both rose from the cinders of Adam,
Alike in structure and strength,
Susceptible to temptations and
Occasional bouts of anger.
Both vulnerable to the hunger of
The body and mind.
And yet so different
Father and son.
What is right for him?
Is wrong for the son.
What is religion for him?
is ambiguity to the young one.
The fashion to the father,
is outdated to the son.
The father claims it as a right
But the son works hard for it.
He uses force to check growth,
While the son helps flowers bloom
In the sandy desert.
One treats her like a tramp,
And the other makes her a queen.
Times have changed, say the wise
But my mind arises to question,
Wasn’t I the one who had the power?
Over Adam to make him revolt?