Jammu and Kashmir Police in Bandipora on Monday said to have booked four persons under PSA for their continuous involvement in anti-national & anti-social activities, after obtaining formal detention orders from the competent authority.
“The four accused persons have been identified as Abdul Hameed Khan son of Abdul Gani Khan resident of Watrina Bandipora (Repeated offender, the subject was earlier a stone pelter now involved in cheating/drug peddling related cases), Danish Ahmad Shah @Harris son of Sonaullah Shah resident of Aloosa, Bandipora (an active terrorist associate of proscribed terror outfit LeT), Assadullah Parray son of Haji Ab Gani Parray resident of of Syed Mohalla Hajin, Bandipora (member of APHC & terrorist associate, the subject is involved in 14 criminal cases and his persistent involvement in anti-social and anti-national activities is posing a severe threat to maintenance of public order and security of the state) and Hilal Ahmad Ganie son of Late Mohammad Akram Ganaie resident of Khan Mohalla Watrina, Bandipora (repeated offender, the subject is involved in number of Cheque Bounce Cases and was also involved in 02 criminal cases),” a police spokesman said in a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO).
Police said that all the accused persons have been booked under PSA for their continuous involvement in anti-national, anti-social activities after obtaining formal detention orders from the competent authority and have been lodged in Central Jail Kot Bhalwal Jammu.