Faizan Bashir
The heavy vehicle running half over me; the scorching sun over my traumas; the helping people picking me up and the kind doctors treating me. In the middle of it – a minor girl running around the beautiful garden with a charming face, black Burka (veil) and a delicate fragrance in my dream, as I nodded off who claimed herself to be Asifa.
The Rasana girl asked me such painful questions that cannot be answered ‘well!’ by those who shout and their rhetoric speeches without much impediments as to the Girls are our pride! Girls are our progression! The questions which could be enough of the reason for me to take her family to somewhere, & let them hit the culprits hard, but Alas! It is not permitted in largest democratic country which is to find best possible punishment for the culprits! Retching I feel!
Let me quote her words, “I was a pure-hearted girl; innocence would live in me; I never went bent out of shape for anything; I always kept a stoic attitude to any adversity; I would have been an eye-opener to my parents had they let me live. Some evils preyed, tried to kill me sec after sec till I eventually shuffled off the mortal coil. I’ve seen—here—my body was thrown into a pile of garbage there. How could humans be so execrable? Even after I was ruined, the “Bad Uncles” have not been bought to book yet—don’t they roam freely inside mere restricted four walls? Is it punishment for the crime?”
And, she laughed with tears rolling down the face.
Subconsciously—I put my head down the mattress in a sleep to curl up & die owing to her queries which have a big interrogative mark on them.
And, I woke up out of nowhere. “Oh bud! You pierced my heart once again through the dream!” came naturally to the tip of my tongue.
Later, the dream realised me hat how diabolical each one of us are—for the serious of crime upon the bud followed by the denial of justice. We were given titles for being comprehensive, but its essence gets exacerbated each passing day with the manifestation of more alike crimes, &‘denial of justice to the erstwhile one’s is to be put at fault to the hilt.’
Dire need of the hour—for the sake of saving the milk-sipping infants- to rest ‘Asifa’s soul’—is to bring the culprits to book (severe). The sooner, the chances of the situations get better…!!!
Feedback At: – Faizanbashir170@gmail.com