Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday hoisted the flag at Vidhan Bhawan on the occasion of the 77th Independence Day during which he also felicitated the brave hearts and their families and administered the oath of Panch Pran to the people.
The CM congratulated the people of the state on the auspicious occasion of the 77th Independence Day of the country and paid tribute to the martyrs.
Speaking on the occasion, Yogi said that this is the first event of the Amrit Kaal of independence. “Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion of inauguration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsava on March 12, 2021 on the banks of Sabarmati in Gujarat had appealed to organise it with a new resolve, excitement and enthusiasm,” he said.
He said that after 75 weeks when the event is towards the end of the Amrit Mahotsav, it calls of a new action plan for the next 25 years of Amrit Kaal as to when the country would be celebrating the centenary of independence, then what kind of India do we want. “We are all associated with this auspicious event with a new resolve to make the dream of that India a reality,” he said.
The CM said that a cultural program of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat was organised on the occasion of flag hoisting. “Artists from different parts of UP and the country presented the tableau with the resolve of PM Modi’s Ek Bharat-Shreshtha Bharat and to bring it on practical ground practically we need to connect with the programme,” he said.
He said, “The great sons of Mother India sacrificed their lives with the resolve of Panch Pran. “Those brave families were honoured. This event to honour the families of the martyrs who made sacrifices for the security of the country is being organized in 75 districts, 58,000 gram panchayats and 762 municipal bodies of the country, including UP.”
Yogi said, “There should be a feeling in everyone’s mind that if I discharge my duties then my future generation will respect me.”
He said that today people are witnessing a new India. “Our values have always connected us with our soil with the sense of ‘earth is my mother and I am her child’. We respect the earth as a mother, not as a piece of land and every Indian works with the desire to do whatever is desired and good towards her,” he said.
The CM said that this is the reason why we feel proud of our heritage of thousands of years. “This is the reason why there is a vision of unity despite diversity in India. Despite being different in appearance, dress, food, our feelings are the same,” he said.
He said. “Every Indian may be from East, West, North-South, be of any opinion-religion, he first considers Mother India as paramount. For him, instead of caste or religion, Mother India and country are the first priority.”
Yogi said that a Sanyasi (hermit) monk born in Kerala thousands of years ago established four Peethas in the four corners of India in the form of Adi Shankar. “It shows the cultural unity of India, about which the Prime Minister said that it is the responsibility of every Indian to protect the heritage. Every Indian will feel proud of it and will join with five vows,” he said.
He said that today India is moving forward with a new vision. “When the country entered the first year of Azadi ka Amrit Kaal, India became the fifth largest economy. It is chairing the G-20 under the leadership of PM Modi. It is an occasion for every Indian to feel proud. UP is also getting the opportunity to organise 11 summits of G-20 in four cities, including Lucknow, Varanasi, Agra and Gautam Budgha Nagar. New India is inspiring us to move in that direction,” he said.
The CM said that the journey of India that has started in the last 9 years is really connecting every Indian with the resolve of a developed India. “India’s journey in the last 9 years, be it on the front of infrastructure-internal and external security, be an area to feel the pride of heritage, has been extraordinary,” he said.
He said, “We should feel proud that we all are residents of UP and we are also able to make efforts to establish India as a superpower.”
Yogi said that the results of the journey that UP started under the leadership of PM Modi in the last six years were in front of the people of the state. “Every resident of the state knows that there is no identity crisis in front of him. Wherever a citizen of UP goes, he will say that is a resident of UP, where the soul of India resides,” he said.
He said, “Better law and order and security has changed the perception about UP. “Police personnel have contributed a lot in providing a secured environment in UP. Many personnel laid down their lives but didn’t allow anyone to play with the law and order situation in UP. I pay my tributes to such personnel.”
The CM said that UP has established itself as the best destination for investment due to better law and order in the state. “Investment proposals worth Rs 36 lakh crore were received in the Global Investors Summit (GIS) in February. This means job and employment guarantee to one crore youth. For this, the government launched many programmes,” he said.
He said that the process of distributing tablets and smartphones to two crore youth is underway. “Continuous efforts are going on for training and skill development. Many opportunities are being made available to the youth of UP with honesty and transparency in the recruitment process. Today no one can question the recruitment process and law and order in UP. Every big investor is eager to invest in UP today. GIS is an example of that and a result of a better law and order situation,” he said.
Yogi said that the number of tourists has increased at our major religious places. “Kashi is attracting the world as New Kashi. Last year 10 crore devotees came to visit there. Kashi has become the most revered region in the country and the world. About 6 to 7 crore devotees are coming to visit the holy places in Braj region,” he said.
He said, “As a new tourist destination UP is moving ahead with a new aura in the world. The work done in different areas of tourism attracts everyone. The journey which started from 2019 Prayagraj Kumbh, is increasing many possibilities of employment in the field of eco-tourism.”
The CM said that UP is now being known as the infrastructure state. “With five expressways, UP is currently moving forward with the construction of 13 expressways. The excellent infrastructure here is giving it a new momentum. UP has succeeded in inter state connectivity,” he said.