The divisional commissioner Kashmir PK Pole on Tuesday said that there are no plans for the lockdown in Kashmir despite surging number of COVID19 positive cases. Pole ruled out any alarming situation in Kashmir and blamed the general masses for violating the SOPs which resulted in the spurt in positive cases.
The Divisional Commissioner said that any lockdown in the second wave of COVID19 will again incur huge economic losses. He assured that the government has adequate measures in place to deal with any eventuality and people should not believe in any sort of rumours.
Due to the previous lockdown, the tourism industry, servicing sectors and other allied industries incurred massive economic losses
. However, the lockdown was imperative since the virus was new and there was no medical knowledge how it can be dealt. While the observations of Pole are contrary to the one expressed by health experts in Kashmir, who are terming the situation worrisome, ruling out any lockdown in near future seems a wise decision.
The health experts claim that Kashmir is suffering more due to the virus in the second wave. According to experts, the valley hospitals are witnessing an unprecedented rush of COVID19 patients.
In fact the tertiary care SMHS hospital was closed down for all patients and only the COVID infected patients are treated now. Amid such developments the UT administration cannot afford to lower the guard.
But at the same time Kashmir cannot afford any more lockdowns since the economy is absolutely in shambles. Thousands of people have lost their jobs and many more industries have shut their shutter.
The retail sector is the worst hit and repeatedly the trader’s fraternity was against any fresh lockdown. Amid this trying situation when the second wave of COVID19 is making life more difficult and vaccination programmes are still at an infancy stage, smart lockdowns can be a viable option.
Besides administration also ensures strict directions are in place to ensure people follow SOPs. Given the present situation, it can be gauged that COVID19 is going to live on earth for some more time. It emerges again and again in various variants and disturbs mankind. So dealing with it without letting one to get affected, there is a need to find the middle way.
Economy must be on rails and the government shall take all the measures in doing so. But at the same time, no laxity shall be allowed at any point of time unless and until the virus is completely gone.