Man’s World

1 min read

Man’s World

It was a beautiful night,

The sun left behind a orange trail and made way for the silvery moon,

the great red moon of the fairy kind.

Slowly the dark earth changed into silver under a silvery sky.

And stealthily he rose, not making a sound,

Not looking back at the sleeping Yosodhara or the innocent young prince, Rahul.

Firm steps, and a resolve in his mind

To seek truth and happiness.

Nothing else mattered,

Except the desire to unravel dark mysteries and possibly to attain

Salvation and peace for himself.

Wasn’t he blind to his duties?

The thirst for personal ambition

So overwhelmingly powerful that

Nothing else is visible or important–

His innocent wife, not even the

New born son.

What if we reverse the roles?

He became the mahatma, the

Purest of the souls,

And she would be stoned to death,

Humiliated and named a slut.

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