
Rising cases of Cardiac arrest

1 min read

The cardiac arrests in Kashmir is a common phenomenon now. While there is no substantial data available to asses the actual loss of lives to sudden heart failures , it is imperative to understand why healthy and normal people with no history collapse due to sudden cardiac arrests.

Some astonishing situations we normally come across when a person you know him through social media is active during evening but next morning on the same platform a common acquaintance inform others about his sudden demise.

Most of the people who lose lives to this heart failures are young and apparently healthy. When you ask their relatives about any family or personal history of the patient, they claim the person was absolutely normal.

Initially, the health experts were of the opinion that most of the deaths due to this problem occur in winters, however situation in summer seems equally concerning now. Widely, the opinions of the experts suggest that life style changes and unhealthy food habits are some of the major reasons.

There might be some other reasons too. So to address this concern the government must come up with some comprehensive studies and understand the real and prominent reasons for the heart attacks.

As long as there is no proper study of the problem it is unlikely it can be addressed. Kashmir continue to lose young guns to this disease and shatter many families. This is a serious issue and needs to be understood and accordingly the measures to avoid loss of precious human lives.

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